On tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Here Walk the Dead
Here Walk the Dead
By Brynn Chapman
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch - Note from the Author
The year is 1910, and Arabella Holmes has met her lifelong dream of becoming a purveyor of abnormal science for the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Philadelphia. But academics and forensics were never a problem for Bella. People. Navigating people and the nuances of relationships is far more vexing than any anatomical puzzle or mystery...
Mythical Books - Review
"...the author succeeded to get my attention with the main plot but also with the romantic aspects well embedded in the general flow of the story. . . . The pace is an allegro, but there are also scenes in adante and presto tempos, depending on their nature and purpose. As the whole, they support the increasing tension that culminates in a life and death situation. Casualties? Yes. The possibility of a new chapter? Yes, and I cannot wait to read it!"
Oh Hey! Books. - Interview
Did you ever have a rough patch in writing, where nothing in the story seemed to fit or make sense?
Writing, is rough. Period. I’ve never met a writer who didn’t have periods of extreme productivity, and then periods of desolation. For me, the words are never the issue, its whatever extraneously may be happening in my life that whisks me away from my inner vortex.
Lukten av trykksverte - Review
"It goes deeper into the relationship between Arabella and Henry and the book is also generally a bit darker with lunatic asylums, social darwnism and shady medical practices. . . . I might add that it's also a bit refreshing seeing characters with Aspergers written in a "proper" way and not being a comic stereotype."
Adventures Thru Wonderland - Review
"I enjoyed the banter/romance between Bella and Henry, and can see readers really enjoying this! . . . I’m so happy that I read this series!"
Kimber Li - Guest Post
For Fans of the BONESEEKER SERIES, Why the wait?
BONESEEKER was released several years prior, with accolades from NY TIMES BEST SELLER Grace Burrowes, “Meticulously researched and terrific fun!” and was that years winner of the Young Adult Golden Leaf Award. Then…..several years past….
Wishful Endings - Excerpt & Review
“Frostbite can occur at zero degrees within five minutes for the first stage, which results in pain and tingling and most likely a full recovery. The second degree, the body pulls blood away from the extremities, resulting in blisters that may harden and blacken.”
I then recall the moulages he crafted of stage-four frostbite. My heartbeat goes wild. “Find! Newton! Find!”
He yips.
Newton bounds out of sight, and we all stumble forward, awkwardly plowing through the gathering mounds of snow.
"HERE WALK THE DEAD is a thrilling ride as Bella and Henry try to fit into society's expectations while also trying to figure out why girls keep disappearing and where they go. Recommended to readers who enjoy gritty Gothic mysteries with sizzling romance."
My Life, Loves and Passion - Guest Post
A Visual Tour of Here Walk the Dead
In case you’re new to the series…here’s where we are.
Arabella Holmes—yes, daughter of that Holmes—wants to return to her job as a purveyor of abnormal science. She has temporarily been demoted to a botanist, until her love interest, Henry Watson—yes, that Watson—can help her get her less-than-professional outbursts in check. Henry is tired of his new role as doctor, tired of the lack of adventure, and tired of keeping Bella's escapades out of the papers. Five girls are missing. Gone from locked rooms in their own houses. Arabella and Henry are called upon to help solve the kidnappings, but all they unearth is more danger...
SilverWoodSketches - Review
"a spellbinding adventure, with friends and fiends both old and new, embroiled in one over-arcing sinister plot. . . . Filled with thrills and chills and let's not forget about romance, fans of Sherlock Holmes will love the world this talented author has expanded upon. I adored the development of these characters and the way the plot echoed the struggles our heroes were going through. Excellently paced and rife with wit and charm, Boneseeker is a historical suspense series you will gladly sink your teeth into."
Reading On The Edge - Excerpt
The Lost
The reek of chloroform.
I thrash, instinctively wrenching away from the stench of the cloying rag, but too late. There is a simultaneous prick and burn as a needle jabs the crook of my arm.
I’ve had too many inhalations. I battle my eyes open.
Two men rummage through my personal effects.
The carriage—gone. In an instant, I am slung over one of their backs, dangling limp as a child’s rag- doll.
Hearts & Scribbles - Excerpt
I leave The Bell in Hand and stand stock-still in the middle of the road. The moon is white and full as a pearl, suspended in the black, sooty sky. I cannot go home and face my dreary one-room solitary confinement at the boarding house. Staring at the ceiling as the uninvited images of Arabella enter my weary mind.
That ruddy Englishman. He has ruined every plan I made. All I needed was time, first to befriend her. Then…
Sleep will not come, regardless, but…
Baroness Book Trove - Review & Interview
"Boneseeker: Here Walk the Dead by Brynn Chapman is a compelling novel. Very different from the first one but still very Sherlock Holmesy. His daughter though is at it again and getting things done her way. . . . I am still in love with Holmes and Watson the next generation. . . . I recommend this book to fans of Sherlock. It is a good read."
What was your favorite character to write and why?
Henry and Bella have been living in my head for a very long time now…so, just like my children, I love them for different reasons.
I love Henry for his heart, his compassion, and his fearlessness under fire. And his uncompromising love for Bella, no matter what the rest of the world thinks.
I love Bella for her complexity. Her innocence, and her pain, and her courage to continue to try to connect with Henry and others she loves, despite it being nearly unnatural for her.
Rockin' Book Reviews - Reviews
"This is an eerie, compelling tale. . . .The characters are diverse, intriguing and the reader will feel involved in their lives. . . . it was a very captivating tale."
"Book two of the Booneseeker is even better than the first book! . . . The added characters are [just] as diverse and interesting as those in the previous novel. . . . The tale ends solidly, leaving the reader eager for more."
Locks, Hooks and Books - Review
"This is one suspense filled and fun read. I had to have it read in one sitting. . . . I hope there will be another book in The Boneseeker Chronicles series. I enjoy catching up with Arabella and Henry and seeing what adventure they will get into next. They are quite the pair and I love how they interact with one another. . . . I recommend Here Walk the Dead, as well as, the beginning to this series, Boneseeker. "
Colorimetry - Guest Post
Setting. It matters.
As I write historicals, I do my utmost to visit if not the actual place, then a facsimile of it. There is not a substitute for experiencing the sights, smells and sounds of wherever a book takes place.
That goes for readers and well as writers. For HERE WALK THE DEAD, I toured an asylum in the state of West Virginia, twice...
Christy's Cozy Corners - Review
"Here Walk the Dead is a wonderful follow-up to Boneseeker. . . . you are going to love Here Walk the Dead. . . . I love this story because it is super suspenseful, and much of the plot is historically accurate. . . . I highly recommend Here Walk the Dead and Boneseeker!"
Don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

(The Boneseeker Chronicles #2)
By Brynn Chapman
Historical Romantic Suspense, Gothic
Paperback & ebook, 250 Pages
January 14th 2019 by The Wild Rose Press, IncHenry is tired of his new role as doctor, tired of the lack of adventure, and tired of keeping Bella's escapades out of the papers.
Five girls are missing. Gone from locked rooms in their own houses. Arabella and Henry are called upon to help solve the kidnappings, but all they unearth is more danger.
Bella ventures undercover into a lunatic asylum, where a mute woman assaults her and scrawls the chilling words—Here the dead wake. Plus, a vial of Bella's research poison has gone missing. Bella and Henry must find it, and the missing girls, before charges can be brought against her.
"Dark twists and turns abound in this fast-paced and riveting gothic thriller. I consumed it in one sitting!" ~USA TODAY BESTSELLER, Lea Nolan
Other Books in the Series

(The Boneseeker Chronicles #1)
By Brynn Chapman
Historical Romantic Suspense, Gothic
Paperback & ebook, 213 Pages
January 10th 2018 by The Wild Rose Press, IncHenry Watson’s two-fold mission at the Mütter Museum is to join their team of forensic anthropologists in unearthing unusual antiquities and to watch over Arabella. If only he could get her to speak to him, instead of hurling knives in his general direction. Assigned to a most secret expedition to investigate a mysterious skeletal hand discovered in upstate New York, Arabella and Henry are soon caught in a scientific debate, and the search for the truth may have deadly consequences for those involved.
Are the bones from a Neanderthal? Or are they living proof of fallen angels known as Nephilim?
Watson and Holmes must put aside their differences, trust their instincts, and rely on one another to survive to uncover the truth.
*This is a new version of a previously published edition
Praise for BONESEEKER:
Winner of the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf Contest
"Creative, meticulously researched, and terrific fun!" ~Grace Burrowes, NY Times Best Selling Author
"The characters, the setting, the descriptions and the mysteries and relationships all work together seamlessly to create a truly wonderful story that I completely adored." ~Best Books Ever Blog
"The settings are intriguing and the way they are described make you feel as if you are immersed in the story. I could feel the gloom and damp. That is rare in so many books! Boneseeker is a book I highly recommend, and I give it 5 stars!" ~Christy's Cozy Corners Blog
About the Author

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love--not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger's syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society's downtrodden. In fiction, she's a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. Her ancestry tree claims she's a descendant of the House of Stuart.
Tour Giveaway

- GRAND PRIZE: One winner will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card and a Print Copy of BONESEEKER
- Two winners will receive an Audiobook of BONESEEKER
- One winner will receive a Print Copy of BONESEEKER
- Open internationally
- Ends January 23, 2019

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