On tour with Prism Book Tours.
Grand Finale for
A Heartwarming Thanksgiving
Harlequin released 13 FREE short stories by beloved Harlequin Heartwarming authors during November via their site. You can still read these short stories through December 31st. The sale for 30% off Heartwarming titles also continues through November 30th. Grab the ones you want now!
A Heartwarming Thanksgiving Facebook Party
Join us for a grand ending to this month of wonderful Harlequin Heartwarming short stories with a Facebook party! All thirteen authors are stopping by and giving away more books!! Come join us on Monday, November 30th, from 12 pm to 2 pm EST HERE. If you can't make it, feel free to stop by later and check out the party.
11/2: Snow Day Baby by Amy Vastine
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Short Story Guest Post
. . . when Harlequin came to me about this Thanksgiving short, I had to give Scott the ending he deserved. SNOW DAY BABY was born.
The Power of Words - Excerpt
Sheridan pulled her hair over one shoulder. She had been a pretty girl who turned into an absolutely beautiful woman. Pregnancy looked good on her. Her skin was flawless and those green eyes had always been capable of taking his breath away.
Singing Librarian Books - Heartwarming Guest Post
Singing Librarian Books - Heartwarming Guest Post
You always know youíre going to get an emotional-satisfying read with a guaranteed happy ever after. Another great thing about this line ñ you can share these books with your friends, your mother, your sister, your daughter and not be embarrassed to say youíve read them.
Babs Book Bistro - Short Story Guest Post
. . . the Writerís Lot in Lifeówhich is nothing more than thinking ìwhat ifÖî every time you turn aroundótook over, resulting in Wedding at Turkey Run.
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing - Excerpt
ìSorry.î Although she wasnít. Even taking into account the gorgeousness of his eyes, hair and smile, there was something about Zeke McNeil that set her teeth on edge.
Heidi Reads... - Heartwarming Guest Post
I was in Northwest Florida avoiding a terrible winter in the Midwest, but my heart was in the Northeast Kingdom. I made a discovery then, that not only were these books heartwarming to read, they were heartwarming to write, too.
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima - Short Story Guest Post
From the start, Caleb seemed to need his own storyóand now he has it. I hope you enjoy reading ìHer Thanksgiving Soldier.î I loved writing it.
Mel's Shelves - Excerpt
She tried to focus on her list, but it seemed his image was imprinted on her mind. Sleepy eyes and tousled hair. He looked good enough toÖlove? Even after yesterday when sheíd cried in the car, and heíd kissed her, she wasnít going there.
Brooke Blogs - Heartwarming Guest Post
Whether each authorís stories are funny or sad or both, they all contain lots of emotion. Heartwarming gives me the chance to explore some deeper issues with fully-realized characters to love.
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Short Story Guest Post
Ah well, she gets her happily ever after in this Heartwarming Thanksgiving short Mr. Right All Along. Of course, not without a few bumps in the road;)
Love thy Shelf - Excerpt
Her eyes lit up and immediately he knew where her thoughts were heading. ìCooking isnít hard for you.î She grabbed his hands in her small soft ones, making his heart pick up speed. ìTeach me,î she said.
Min Reads and Reviews - Heartwarming Guest Post
Iíve made a lovely home at Harlequinís Heartwarming line. When my agent and I were looking for a place for my small town, contemporary, sweet series, it was the perfect fit.
Kindle and Me - Short Story Guest Post
I wrote this story because for me, thanksgiving is about home. Itís a holiday where we get together with our loved ones and are grateful we have each other.
The Power of Words - Excerpt
Heíd grabbed a cowboy hat off a rack, placed it on his head, and gave her a broad smile, looking a lot like the star of a country western film.
Colorimetry - Heartwarming Guest Post
I read books because I want to feel; I want to laugh, cry, yell at no one in particular. I want the freedom to experience a range of emotions that arenít of my doing. Thatís also why I write for Harlequin Heartwarming. This is a line where the stories are driven by an emotional payoff; that moment when you clutch your heart and feel the words in your soul.
Babs Book Bistro - Short Story Guest Post
The Marriage Gift is a lot shorter than any of my other work, but itís classic ttq. Emotionally compelling. A little dark. And ultimately joyful.
deal sharing aunt - Excerpt
Shrugging, prosecuting attorney, Corrine Armstrong, pulled the offensive piece of material off the small, but nice wooden dinette sheíd purchased two months before but had yet to host a meal on. She used to host a lot of meals. All the time. She used to have a large, impressive dining room table, too.
Brooke Blogs - Heartwarming Guest Post
Iím thrilled to be spending time in this new Heartwarming world as well. Where my heart can spill forth freely! I hope you find the result a blessing in your life.
Writing Pearls - Short Story Guest Post
Heart of a Hero is Nathanís story. Imagine finding out your whole history is not the one you were supposed to have? That the parents who raised you werenít your parents and that the mother who gave birth to you never stopped loving, never stopped searching, never stopped praying.
Wishful Endingsdeal sharing aunt - Excerpt
Nathan nodded. He knew Agatha. Back when he was a cop in nearby Adobe Hills, Arizona, heíd occasionally called her needing information. She knew everyone.
Waiting For Wentworth - Heartwarming Guest Post
I love Harlequin Heartwarming. Within the pages of the books, I can go places Iíve never been, meet heroes and heroes having adventures, and always walk away knowing that Happily Ever After is the perfect ending.
Christian Chick's Thoughts - Short Story Guest Post
Iím absolutely thrilled with the second chance love story I wrote for a secondary character in another romance Iíd set in the Adirondacks, RAISING THE STAKES. In that book, two best friends co-own a diner. I wanted to give Maggie James, a woman who admires the gutsy gals she grew-up watching in black and white films with her grandmother, the happily-ever-after she deserved.
Love, Laughter, Friendship - Excerpt
Beams whined overhead and plunged. One careened into the opposite wall in a shower of sparks. Eric doggedly kept his focus. They would make it out. Alive.
Getting Your Read On - Heartwarming Guest Post
I love writing Heartwarming novels because they are deeply emotional and extremely romantic. As they are ìclean readsî the author has lots of page room to devote to developing the love between two compelling characters and their journey to find it.
I Am A Reader - Short Story Guest Post
I thought the story would be something light-hearted and not-too-serious with a hero returning or moving to Rankins to escape a difficult past. Heíd want to be left alone. I intended for the folks of Rankins to make my broody heroís alone-time impossible. . . . Some of that happens. But, as is usually the case when I start writing, my characters began to take on lives of their own. And they had other plans. Plans that surprised me.
Reading Is My SuperPower - Excerpt
Ryder could feel two sets of eyes on his back as he and Tag started toward the cabin. Something in him itched to turn around and see if he was right. What could it hurt to take one more glance at the lovely Jessie and her dog Fife? Cool it, Ryder, he told himself, women and dogs were both off limits.
Colorimetry - Heartwarming Guest Post
The emphasis on feelings like affection, respect, admiration and ìlikeî reflects the necessities (in my opinion) that make up a strong and lasting relationship. True love, in other words, is the hallmark of Heartwarming.
Mel's Shelves - Short Story Guest Post
[T]he precipitating event in The Firefighterís Promise is based on a very personal experience. . . . It was an interesting process for me to try to put myself inside my husbandís head while writing this story to understand what he must have been feeling and thinking.
Canadian Book Addict - Excerpt
Amidst the scorching bursts of light, she saw him. Dark hair. Strong features. Blue eyes. There was a prick on her forearm and an odd taste in her mouth.
She trusted those eyes and believed the voice that assured her heíd take care of her before everything went black.
Beck Valley Books - Heartwarming Guest Post
The Heartwarming series is for readers who enjoy well-written, deeply-nuanced stories that are clean and wholesome.
Bookworm Lisa - Short Story Guest Post
I had so much fun writing this story and watching Matt push Ruthie outside of her comfort zone. Of course Ruthie didn't budge easily from her by the book life, but Matt was more than up for the challenge. And Ruthie discovered the best happy-ever-after was the one she never planned for.
Kindle and Me - Excerpt
Matt squatted down and rubbed the golden coat of Lady, Steve and Becca's eight-month old Great Dane rescue puppy. But his focus remained on Ruthie as she circled around the tables toward him. He took in everything from her thick, loose braid that hung over her left shoulder to her scarf wilted against her belted jacket to her ease with the pony-sized dog that easily outweighed her by a good twenty-some pounds.
Zerina Blossom's Books - Heartwarming Guest Post
I love strong emotional stories with characters defining what it means to be a part of a community, learning the value of family and discovering the power of their own happily-ever-afters. These are the types of stories I like to read and write.
Reading Is My SuperPower - Short Story Guest Post
In my Harlequin Heartwarming Thanksgiving short story, The Sweetheart Tree, environmental activist Serena Myss doesnít only take a short walk in the woods when her family suffers a tragedyÖunable to cope with her emotions or loss, she leaves home for several years. In doing so, she leaves behind the very people who love her, including the man she once thought sheíd spend forever with. . .
The Written Adventure - Excerpt
Officer Austin Shale had slapped handcuffs on plenty of wristsómost of them hairyóbut never in his wildest dreams had he imagined locking them on the soft, slender wrists of Serena Myss. Well, maybe he had imagined it once or twice, but not with her shooting daggers at him with those piercing, hazel eyes of hers. She glared at the handcuffs heíd taken off his belt.
Writing Pearls - Heartwarming Guest Post
What I love about writing for Harlequin Heartwarming is that, although the stories in the line are fiction, theyíre so true to real life that the pain, struggles and loss so many experience are as much a part of the charactersí journeys as they are ours.
Heidi Reads... - Short Story Guest Post
I love marriage of convenience stories, but if you aren't writing historicals or paranormals, it's hard to come up with a plausible plot for one. When I was asked to write a short for Thanksgiving, a marriage of convenience idea came to mind: one NFL quarterback - Clinton Hadley - desperate to get out of jail and play Thanksgiving weekend.
Singing Librarian Books - Excerpt
She glanced up at Clinton. He looked like the poster boy for the NFL. Finely chiseled features, crisply cut black hair, dark brown eyes that could dissect a defense in less than ten seconds. He was known for his ability to adjust a play on the fly, to take risks, to think outside the box. What line had he crossed?
Love, Laughter, Friendship - Heartwarming Guest Post
There is physical attraction between the hero and heroine (and kissing!), but the love between them is more likely built on the foundation of one soul recognizing another than one perfect body being attracted to another.
We hope you found something to warm your heart and help you get into the holiday spirit! Don't forget to enter the giveaways, if you haven't already...
Goodreads Giveaway
13 Harlequin Heartwarming Books
Enter on Goodreads HERE.
Goodreads Giveaway
13 Harlequin Heartwarming Books
Enter on Goodreads HERE.
Pinterest Giveaway

Pin one or both of these images to spread the word and enter to win this adorably festive Thanksgiving Table Set:
Pinterest Prize includes: four reversible, quilted placemats, four matching napkins, hand-painted matching napkin rings, matching table runner, matching quilted hot pad/trivet, floral centerpiece in pot, and hand-crafted pilgrim pair.
- Enter via the Rafflecopter below
- Open to US/CAN only
- Ends December 4th
Grand Prize: Harlequin Heartwarming Year Subscription (Provided by Harlequin and to US/CAN only)
$40 VISA card (US only)
13-Book Heartwarming Prize Pack: The Best Laid Plans, Back to McGuffy's, If I Loved You, Love, Lies & Mistletoe, First Comes Marriage, Once Upon A Marriage, Small Town Secrets, Winter Wedding Bells, If Not For A Bee, When The Right One Comes Along, Wedding of His Dreams, After The Silence, and A Memory Away (print copies if US, ebooks if international)
8-Book Prize Pack: The Best Laid Plans, If I Loved You, Love, Lies & Mistletoe, First Comes Marriage, Once Upon A Marriage, Winter Wedding Bells, If Not For A Bee, When The Right One Comes Along, and After The Silence (print copies if US, ebooks if international)
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