
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Night at the Opera by Stacy Henrie -- blog tour

Night at the Opera

Author: Stacy Henrie

Publisher: Mirror Press

ISBN13: 978-1947152397

Paperback/e-book: 276 pages

FTC FYI: I received an ARC from the publisher, all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Goodreads Summary

From USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie, comes NIGHT AT THE OPERA, an American Heiress Novel.

NIGHT AT THE OPERA - An American Heiress Book 1 (1908)

When American heiress Gwen Barton aids an injured gentleman in an opera box in London, she shares a kiss with the stranger that changes her life. More determined than ever to be herself, in spite of the limp she’s sustained since childhood, she will marry for love and not a title. She also resolves to learn the identity of the man she helped—and kissed. Surely he can’t be the irritating Avery Winfield, though. But as circumstances continue to throw Gwen and Avery together, she begins to wonder if there is more to this man than she first thought.

While most of London only knows him as the nephew of a duke, Avery Winfield is actually working for the Secret Service Bureau to ferret out German spies from among the ton. It’s a profession that gives him purpose and a reason to remain a bachelor. But the more he interacts with Gwen Barton, an heiress from America, the more he begins to question his plans and neglected faith. Then he learns Gwen is the young lady from the opera box who helped him. Now his most important mission may have nothing to do with saving Britain from danger and everything to do with risking his heart for the woman he met that night at the opera.

My review

Night at the Opera is an absolute delight. There is mystery, spies, POV changes, intriguing characters and of course romance. Gwen is a wonderful character full of heart and determination. Avery is a smart, carrying spy who is trying to figure out who hurt him, all while deciding his future and faith. I loved how Avery and Gwen didn't get along at first and I enjoyed their heart felt discussions, especially on faith in God and the trips to the doctor for Gwen. These were beautifully written. 

5 out of 5 stars. A wonderful book from a talented author. 

Author links

Facebook / Goodreads / Amazon / BookBub

Purchase links

Amazon e-book / Amazon paperback / Barnes and Noble

Tour schedule

Oct. 19 - Singing Librarian Books / Wishful Endings

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your lovely review, Mindy! So glad you enjoyed the book!
