
Friday, September 14, 2018

The Neverland Inn by K. C. Grant -- Blog Tour

The Neverland Inn: A Culinary Romance

Author: K. C. Grant

Publisher: Covenant

Published: September 2018

ISBN13: 9781524405915

Paperback: 192 pages

FTC FYI: I received a copy from the publisher, all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Goodreads Summary

Daniel Cavanaugh has it all—a lucrative career as a lawyer, a gorgeous fiancĂ©e, and his future mapped out for him. So why is he feeling increasingly dissatisfied with his life? When the assignment to handle his late grandmother’s estate takes him to the California coast, Daniel welcomes the escape. Staying at the nearby bed-and-breakfast isn’t really his style, but he soon realizes the inn may hold the key to the answers he’s been seeking. Spindrift Cove has few opportunities for a young unmarried woman like Sarah Michaels. Even so, she enjoys her solitude as owner and chef at the Neverland Inn. She thrives on catering to the needs of her guests and treating them to her fantastic cooking. But when Daniel walks through her door, he immediately tests her patience. Though he is handsome and well-bred, she finds him insufferable. Soon, however, the tranquility of the inn works its magic, and Daniel and Sarah forge a sweet and unexpected connection—until the life he left behind in the city demands his return and it seems that a happily ever after may not be on the menu after all. 

My Review

The Neverland Inn is an absolute pleasure to read. Sarah is a delightfully pleasant character. She has the characteristics of someone I would want to be friends with. Sarah is  an all-around genuine, kind person. I admit it took me some time to warm up to Daniel, he was too much of a stuff shirt, but once I did, I couldn't wait to see how their relationship would develop. This book also had a fun "treat", all the recipes sound amazing. I love books that incorporate recipes, and when I was reading, it definitely made me hungry and I wished I was a good cook. :) The Cheer-Up Chocolate Chip Cookies would be amazing and wow, did they look good. I liked the turn the climax took and it made me appreciate Daniel more and more. 

4 out of 5 stars. 

Author Links

Goodreads / Website

Purchase Links

Amazon e-book / Amazon paperback / Barnes and Noble / Deseret Book

Tour Schedule:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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