
Friday, May 11, 2018

Scarlet by Jen Geigle Johnson - Blog Tour


Author: Jen Geigle Johnson

Publisher: Covenant

Published: May 1, 2018

ISBN13: 9781524404680

Paperback: 256 pages

FTC FYI: I received a paperback from the publisher and a review was not required. All views and opinions expressed are my own.

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Goodreads Summary

The roads in and out of Paris are heavily guarded, but the dead have easy passage out of the city. A ragged old woman transports the coffins of the most recent victims of the guillotine and is waved on unimpeded. Later, the same crone watches five French aristocrats step out of their coffins unscathed. Not beheaded but spirited away to safety by that most elusive of spies: the Pimpernel. Or, as she's known in polite society, Lady Scarlet Cavendish.
When not assuming her secret identity as a hero of the French Revolution, Scarlet presents herself as a fashionable, featherbrained young widow flitting about London. In truth, this façade is merely a diversion designed to conceal her clandestine work in France. Among members of the doomed French aristocracy, the Pimpernel is renowned for her bravery and cunning. But when tasked with rescuing handsome Comte Matteo Durand, she faces an unprecedented challenge: she is falling in love with the man. If ever there were a time to keep her head, it is now— because in a world brimming with intrigue, she is not the only one harboring secrets. And if Scarlet doesn't take care, Madame la Guillotine may finally catch up with the Pimpernel.

My review

Scarlet by Jen Geigle Johnson is an exciting twist to a classic. I loved the switch of a female Pimpernel. Scarlet herself in an intriguing, fascinating character. I absolutely loved her. Matteo was a charismatic and charming leading man, I liked him instantly. All of the supporting characters were fabulous too. Scarlet is full of adventure, danger, romance, and it also gives you a history lesson about the French Revolution. There was a lot about it, I didn't know. Of course, this is a fiction book but it's obvious the author did her research. There are a lot of details that may be harder to stomach, but I appreciated the raw approach the author took to try to be as accurate as possible. 

5 out of 5 stars.

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