
Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Nobleman's Daughter by Jen Geigle Johnson -- Blog tour/giveaway

The Nobleman's Daughter

Author: Jen Geigle Johnson

Publisher: Covenant

Published: November 1, 2017

ISBN13: 9781524404291

Paperback: 272 pages

FTC FYI: I received a copy from the publisher, all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Goodreads Summary

While British high society primps and plays, the impoverished citizens of London languish. But there are those fighting for the freedom of common citizens—including two members of the aristocracy who secretly champion revolution. In the drawing rooms of the upper class, Lady Amanda and Lord Nathaniel flirt and tease with the best of them as she pretends to win every heart in London for sport, and he, to conquer them. But in truth, their flirtation is merely a facade designed to keep their clandestine actions hidden from the ton—and from each other. When Nathaniel presents himself as a potential suitor, the attraction between the two is undeniable—but the faces they portray to the world are not enough to win each other's hearts.

While their crusade for London's poor unites them more deeply than they could imagine, Amanda and Nathaniel struggle to trust one another with their true ideals and identities. But when the call to action leads Amanda into the path of danger, she can only hope that Nathaniel will see through her frivolous pretense. Because now, only the aid of the suitor she loves most—but trusts least—can save her.

My Review

I really enjoyed this book and the idea around it.  The characters were well written. I loved Amanda. I loved her passion and her ideals. She didn't care about the consequences of her actions at times and I felt she rushed into some situations without thinking, but she truly wanted to make a difference.  Nathaniel, wow, he was an intriguing and amazing characters and I really loved how the author kept his true motives and true personality a mystery for awhile.  I also enjoyed the POV switches to the villain, to see into his mind and to try to understand why he was doing what he was doing. My heart broke at times for the characters, especially Charlie.  The author does a fantastic job with this story and I look forward to more from this promising author!

5 out of 5 stars. 

Author Links

Website / Twitter / Amazon page

Purchase Links

Amazon ebook / Amazon paperback / Deseret Book

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