
Thursday, April 8, 2021

Until Vienna by Heather B. Moore - blog tour giveaway


Until Vienna: Romance on the Orient Express (Book 3)

Heather B. Moore

Publisher: Covenant

Release date April 1st, 2021

Paperback and e-book: 176 pages


Georgina Ballard has been disappointed in love more than a few times, a fact that she is uncomfortably aware of amid her sister’s wedding preparations. When her elderly aunt Rowena bids Gigi to accompany her on an art tour across Europe, Gigi hesitates but eventually resigns herself to the train journey alongside a group of aged art connoisseurs, if only to mollify her aunt.

Once aboard the Orient Express, Gigi is pleased to discover that not everyone on the tour is in their twilight years: Clyde Haskins, an energetic young art professor from the University of London, will serve as the group’s tour guide. Clyde is equally intrigued that a young lady has joined the tour, and Aunt Rowena and her friends immediately set out to play matchmaker. Clyde and Gigi both find humor in Aunt Rowena’s antics despite knowing that each is determined to keep their heart carefully guarded. Yet, the enchantment of their European exploration weaves an undeniable spell between them. When their journey ends, can their holiday love story endure the obstacles of real life?

My review

Oh, how I loved this book! I think we all can relate to Gigi in some way, we're just wanting to do our thing and want control of our own lives, but when this trip gets thrown her way, she decides to make the best of it. Gigi is a fantastic character. I loved her kind nature. I was a little annoyed by Aunt Rowena at first, but I grew to love her immensely. As much as I enjoyed Clyde's and Gigi's developing relationship, it was nice to see Gigi's relationship with Aunt Rowena improve. Even though Rowena was still who she was, Gigi accepted her silly ways and helped and cared for her in times of need. Aunt Rowena stole the show for me. The list she made about Professor Haskins was hilarious! I was laughing out loud. I loved Gigi's letters to her sister Lillian. With them, we were able to get a glimpse of Gigi's true feelings and it added a special touch of details that were important to Gigi.

5 out of 5 stars! This is book 3 in the series, but these books can still be enjoyed reading them in any order. 

Rafflecopter link for giveaway

Purchase links

Amazon Kindle / Amazon Paperback

Author links

Amazon author page / Facebook 

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