
Friday, January 4, 2019

Second Look by Julie Coulter Bellon

Second Look

Author: Julie Coulter Bellon

Publisher: Self

Published: December 8th, 2018

ISBN13: 978-0999794630

Paperback/e-book: 254 pages

FTC FYI: I received an e-book from author, all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Goodreads Summary

When the most wanted terrorist in the world escapes from a high security prison, Nate Hughes is part of the task force sent to recapture him. During the mission, he meets Abby, a fellow investigator that seems to have it all together. He's drawn to her and hopes they can join forces, but when her past is revealed, loyalties are called into question. Could she have turned against the country she once held dear?

The CIA wants her captured and interrogated, but with a terrorist attack imminent, Abby may be the only person in a position to help them stop it. Nate must make a choice to either trust her or turn her in---but the wrong decision would clear the path for the largest attack on freedom the world has ever seen.

And time is running out.

My review

Second Look is another nail-biting suspense novel from Julie Bellon. I always thoroughly enjoy her books. They are always full of page turning suspense. This book had a great balance of suspense and romance. The romance between Nate and Abby was a great mix to the story. It didn't feel forced or rushed at all. Without giving anything away, I really liked Abby. She was written well and she had secrets of her own. She is also very smart and driven. A great lead character. There are great twists and turns on every page. 

5 out of 5. 

Purchase Links

Available for FREE on KU / Purchase e-book / Purchase paperback

Author Links

Amazon author page / Goodreads / Website

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