
Friday, December 7, 2018

My Brother's Bride by Rachael Anderson - blog tour

My Brother's Bride

Author: Rachael Anderson

Publisher: HEA Publishing

Published: November 24th, 2018

e-book/paperback: 253 pages

FTC FYI: I received a copy from the author. All views and opinions expressed are my own.


Miss Abigail Nash is no stranger to loneliness. Her mother died giving birth to her, her father's business dealings took him away more often than not, and her ailing great-aunt, unable to provide much in the way of companionship, was a lack-luster guardian at best. When her dear friends offer to launch her into London society, her life takes a turn for the better. An instant success, with suitors, social engagements, and offers aplenty, it seems Abby will at last settle into the life of her dreams. But appearances aren't always what they seem, and dreams often become disappointments. Just months into her marriage with a proclaimed darling of the ton, Abby finds herself widowed, penniless, and increasing. Even more precarious are the feelings she’s developing for a man she shouldn’t love, a man the law prohibits her from marrying—her late husband’s brother, the Marquess of Brigston.

My review

I love Rachael Anderson's books. My Brother's Bride was particularly touching because it dealt with a series issue. This topic you don't see often in regency books, but the author handled it well. I loved Abby. She is a sweet and thoughtful character. I loved how she interacted with the brother's mother. After Jasper's death, I loved the tender moment of Abby telling the story of her childhood love of rainbows. Jasper was also an added surprise, and what an honorable man. Even though his role in the book was short, he made an impact. Morgan was also a fantastic character. I loved how he and Abby interacted. There was a certain scene in the kitchen between Morgan and Abby where I was laughing out loud. The pacing and plot of this book are perfectly laid out. Just the right things would happen at just the right time. 

5 out of 5 stars. 

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