
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman -- Grand Finale

On tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
by Brynn Chapman

The BONESEEKER CHRONICLES is a four book series, following the life, love and misadventures of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson’s children. We hope you enjoyed learning about them! If you missed any of the stops you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

BONESEEKER, is book one of the four book series, chronicling the adventures and love story of Arabella Holmes and Henry Watson. . .

All my books plop my characters into real, strange anomalies and events that happened once upon a time. Bella appeared in my imagination fully formed, and Henry wasn't long to follow her. As is his way...

I hope you enjoy reading it, and spending time in their company as much as I do.

— Brynn

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading Boneseeker?

I am a character writer. If you remember my people, find yourself thinking about them, wondering what will happen to them—well that’s the goal. As a copious reader myself, that was always my litmus test of the writer’s worth.

"Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman is compelling and intriguing. The familiarity of Holmes and Watson makes way for the next generation, and Bella & Henry hold their own quite nicely. While some aspects of the plot could have been a little tighter, overall this is an enjoyable read that is perfect for a chilly winter’s night."

Wishful Endings - A Study in Sensory

(Get it—instead of a Study in Scarlet)

Bella has been with me so long now, I honestly can’t recall when the idea formulated. I believe it was while watching Robert Downey Jr.’s interpretation of Sherlock Holmes. There are a number of scenes in the movie which were “Ah-ha” moments for me…About Holmes’s brilliance, and his inability to play well with others.

I lecture about sensory processing—which in case you have never heard of it, here is a definition...

"For a person who doesn’t typically read mystery books I really enjoyed Brynn Chapman’s Boneseeker. I remember when I was little I read the entire Nancy Drew series but this book is much more complex than those tween novels. . .

Filled with violence, suspense and questions, this books makes a great read. . .

I recommend this novel for mystery and historical fiction lovers aged 16 and up as you not only get to sort through clues but you also get a taste of history in the mix."

YA/NA Book Divas - Excerpt

“Human footprints, preserved in rock, measuring thirty-three inches, with six toes.”

“I must see your notes.”

My eyes open wide, my hand shooting to my hip. “I don’t have notes.”

“Of course you don’t.” He sighs. “Would you write some for me?”

I walk back to the bed and sit. “I suppose.”

“We lesser mortals appreciate notes.

It's All About the Romance - Holmes and Watson, Like Father, like son…and daughter

For the record, I have, to date, read 90 percent of the Sherlock Holmes canon—and his predecessors, Wilkie Collins et al.

The new Sherlock Holmes characters in the recent films, however, ignited a fire in my brain. The following is from my author’s notes in the Book, BONESEEKER...

Colorimetry - Excerpt

“This! This is what I mean, Earnest. She”—he jabs an accusing finger at Arabella—“she is impulsive and arrogant and unnatural. She should not be considered for such an important expedition. A woman is much better suited for curation.”

Father steps forward, staring Stygian full-on despite the fact he’s a head taller. “Sir. You’ve forgotten innovative and cunning and possesses her father’s talent for ciphering and detection. Is this expedition not about bones?”

“Of course.”

“I dare venture no one on this eastern seaboard could match Miss Holmes’s knowledge of bones.”

Rockin' Book Reviews - She Blinded Me with Science

This is a hashtag I often use when discussing BONESEEKER. I am an ardent student of science.

I have dissected cadavers, dug through troughs of arms and legs at University, to ensure your specimen was not missing any muscles so as to miss them on the practical exam. I have witnessed a craniotomy (post mortem), plastic surgeries, among others.

I have toured asylums, and have an ongoing obsession with historical medicine, when did what occur, and how?

I hear a bawdy laugh, and I wrench my eyes away from her earnest gaze, scanning the dance hall. I scan over the myriad of colors and gowns and faces and finally, I see her. My heartbeat bombards my ribcage. My hands are sweating. While they are in Priscilla’s hands.

This is not normal. Not for me, anyway. I am dumbstruck. Arabella is so lovely I can scarcely breathe.

She stands, hesitating at the top of the stairs, undoubtedly searching the crowd for familiar faces.

"It is interesting to read with the children of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. Like their fathers, Arabella Holmes and Henry Watson are quite the team. The two sure do find themselves in quite a suspense filled adventure. There are some action-packed scenes that kept me on the edge of my seat, making me want to continue to turn the pages. . .

I can not wait to see what happens next."

"Personally I really enjoyed reading the book, especially the portrayal of how it is to have anxiety and Asperger's and it was a bit refreshing that the love story between Arabella and Henry was downplayed a bit (no offence to YA authors, but sometimes love stories take up too much space in a book)."

SilverWoodSketches - Review & Excerpt

"Bonseeker is so layered and complex but very accessible to old and new fans of historical fiction. An absolute must-read for fans of strong corset-wearing heroines and the requisite danger of the best Holmes mystery."

“For the love of all that’s holy, Henry. That’s almost like being married to Holmes.” He gives a little shudder.

“I daresay you’re one to talk. For years, you chose a life with Holmes over matrimony, so that argument is full of holes. Do as I say, not as I do?”

Father’s face softens, and he lifts a placating hand. “I love Arabella too, you know that. But, be reasonable. She doesn’t fit into polite society.”

“Neither does Holmes and he’s almost legendary now.”

“She is unruly, headstrong, and will never, ever listen.”

“I know. She fascinates me.”

Maria: What type of research did you have to do for this novel?

I do a copious amount of research for every novel. For BONESEEKER, I expanded my library and study of Forensic Anthropology books ( I do have an anthropology minor), and also made a study of historical non-fiction resources on murders and relevant science beliefs, and societies of the time period. The science of phrenology, for instance, was very much alive and en vogue in 1910.

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"This book contains elements that I love... suspense, Nephilim, mystery, and a little romance. I also love that the characters are children of two beloved literary characters, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. . .

If you love Sherlock Holmes, mystery, and a little of the paranormal. You should definitely give this book a try."

And don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

(The Boneseeker Chronicles #1)
by Brynn Chapman
Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 213 pages
January 10th 2018 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc

Aspiring scientist Arabella Holmes doesn't fit the role of a 1900s lady. Her father, Sherlock, landed her a position at the Mütter Museum to pursue her dream of becoming a purveyor of abnormal science, or what her father calls a "Boneseeker."

Henry Watson’s two-fold mission at the Mütter Museum is to join their team of forensic anthropologists in unearthing unusual antiquities and to watch over Arabella. If only he could get her to speak to him, instead of hurling knives in his general direction. Assigned to a most secret expedition to investigate a mysterious skeletal hand discovered in upstate New York, Arabella and Henry are soon caught in a scientific debate, and the search for the truth may have deadly consequences for those involved.

Are the bones from a Neanderthal? Or are they living proof of fallen angels known as Nephilim?

Watson and Holmes must put aside their differences, trust their instincts, and rely on one another to survive to uncover the truth.

*This is a new version of a previously published edition

Praise for BONESEEKER:

Winner of the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf Contest

"Creative, meticulously researched, and terrific fun!"  ~Grace Burrowes, NY Times Best Selling Author

"The characters, the setting, the descriptions and the mysteries and relationships all work together seamlessly to create a truly wonderful story that I completely adored." ~Best Books Ever Blog

"The settings are intriguing and the way they are described make you feel as if you are immersed in the story. I could feel the gloom and damp. That is rare in so many books! Boneseeker is a book I highly recommend, and I give it 5 stars!" ~Christy's Cozy Corners Blog

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleWild Rose Press
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About the Author

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love--not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger's syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society's downtrodden. In fiction, she's a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. Her ancestry tree claims she's a descendant of the House of Stuart.

Other Books by the Author

The Requiem Red

Tour Giveaway

GIVEAWAY #1: To enter to win a BONESEEKER audiobook and the pictured charm necklace ("And though she be but little, she is fierce." - Shakespeare), send a copy of your kindle purchase of BONESEEKER to US only.

GIVEAWAY #2: To enter to win a BONESEEKER ebook and a $10 Amazon Gift Card, enter via the Rafflecopter below. Open internationally. Ends January 24th.

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