
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Best of 2013 Giveaway Hop

I am so excited to be a part of this fun hop!

I have read so many amazing books this year.  The one that stands out the most is The Runaway King
by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Check out my reviews for The False Prince and The Runaway King.  The Shadow Throne, the 3rd book in the trilogy will be released February of 2014.  I can't wait!  

I am giving away either a Kindle copy of The False Prince (INT) if you haven't read The Runaway King, I would start there.
A paperback copy of The Runaway King (US)
The winner will choose.  If you are international, you will be awarded a Kindle copy of The False Prince.  If The Runaway King is available on Kindle when the contest is over, you would be able to chose that option. 
Fill out this Rafflecopter and you're set! a Rafflecopter giveaway
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