
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sky Jumpers by Peggy Eddleman -- Review/Giveaway

Sky Jumpers

Author: Peggy Eddleman

Publisher: Random House Children's

Published: September 24th, 2013

ISBN13: 9780307981271

Hardcover: 288 pages

FTC FYI: Received a Netgalley copy from the publisher

Goodreads Summary

What happens when you can’t do the one thing that matters most?

12-year-old Hope lives in White Rock, a town struggling to recover from the green bombs of World War III. The bombs destroyed almost everything that came before, so the skill that matters most in White Rock—sometimes it feels like the only thing that matters—is the ability to invent so that the world can regain some of what it’s lost.

But Hope is terrible at inventing and would much rather sneak off to cliff dive into the Bomb’s Breath—the deadly band of air that covers the crater the town lives in—than fail at yet another invention.

When bandits discover that White Rock has invented priceless antibiotics, they invade. The town must choose whether to hand over the medicine and die from disease in the coming months or to die fighting the bandits now. Hope and her friends, Aaren and Brock, might be the only ones who can escape through the Bomb’s Breath and make the dangerous trek over the snow-covered mountain to get help.

For once, inventing isn’t the answer, but the daring and risk-taking that usually gets Hope into trouble might just save them all.

My Review

Sky Jumpers is another fine example of excellent middle grade fiction, which is becoming my favorite genre to read and review.  I was immediately drawn into White Rock with Hope and her friends and family.  Hope is an amazing character.  We meet her at the top of a cliff.  Ready to jump into danger.  The Bomb's Breath is a deadly gas left over from World War III that covers the crater White Rock is in.  She has been keeping this jumping from her family, knowing her parents would be terribly upset.  The bombings left almost nothing and invention is what keeps the them all going.  Hope strength is not in inventing, but what she discovers about herself and does for her town, saves them all.

5 out of 5 stars.  Sky Jumpers is an amazing story with enjoyable characters and a very clever plot that will keep you turning pages quickly.  This book is one that you can read along with your children and enjoy it as much as they will.

Author Links

Website / Twitter / Goodreads

Purchase Links

Amazon / Barnes and Noble 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This sounds like a book my kids (and I) would really enjoy -- it's definitely going on my list!

  2. I keep hearing such great reviews of this!

  3. I know my daughter would enjoy this.

  4. Nice to meet you Mindy! Best of luck to Peggy!
