
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Not Your Average Fairy Tale by Chantele Sedgwick -- Blog Tour GIVEAWAY!

Not Your Average Fairytale

Publisher: Crescent Moon Press

Published: August 1st, 2012

ISBN13: 9781937254667

Genre: YA Fantasy

FTC FYI: Received a free ebook in exchange for an honest review

Goodreads Summary: Armed with wings and a blue wand, being a fairy godmother should be easy ... unless your name is Ash, and you're a dude.

Ash Summerland has it all–good looks, popularity, and the best grades at The Academy of Magical Beings. Ready to complete his last assignment in order to graduate, Ash is confident he will get the apprenticeship he wants. When he opens the letter from the Council, he is shocked to discover he has been assigned to apprentice Lady Shenelle, Keeper of Happy Endings. A.K.A. the head fairy godmother. Ash is forced to grant three wishes to a troubled human girl named Kendall, and ultimately give her a "happy ever after". But Kendall turns out to be more than he bargained for. Still grieving over her father's death, Kendall doesn't want anything to do with him. And worst of all, she doesn't believe in happy endings.

My Review

I knew by just reading the first page that I was going to love his book.  I loved Ash and Kendall instantly.  Everything about this book made me smile.  I thought Kendall and Ash worked well together.  I also really enjoyed the twists and turns of the story.  I loved the change in point of views for the telling of the story.  I really liked being in Ash and Kendall's heads, and seeing things through their eyes.  Especially about each other.  They are both hurting for different reasons, and realize how much they need someone else.  I LOVED the ending.  All the characters are well written and fun.  I adored Kendall's sister Ellie.  I love it when authors really invest in their 
secondary characters, Chantele did this very well.

5 out of 5 stars.  This is Chantele's first book.  It was amazing, and I can't wait for Book 2.  Find Chantele on her BlogFacebook, and Twitter.

As part of the Blog Tour for Not Your Average Fairy Tale, Chantele is giving away a Kindle and some ebooks.  Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Enjoy!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hmm.... Let's see... Kids that wouldn't fight with each other, a self-cleaning house, and the ability to stop time.

  2. I've got this on my to-read list. It sounds like such a fun story. I'd wish for a lean, young body. And a cook. lol

  3. I love stories that take traditional ideas and spin them on their head... sounds like this book does the same! I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks for the review! :)
    (Hard question)I'd wish for:
    1. That library from Beauty and The Beast
    2. More time in the day to do what I actually want to do
    3. Have my own private petting zoo & a barn full of horses.

  4. My three wishes: a lifetime of maid service, a nanny for when I'm trying to work, and a yardkeeper. lol! (I hate household chores) Sounds like a fun book, thanks for the review :)
