
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Second Chance on the Corner of Main by Meg Easton

Second Chance on the Corner of Main

Author: Meg Easton

Publisher: Mountain Heights Publishing

Published: October 16, 2018

ISBN13: 978-1723911873

Paperback/e-book: 185 pages

FTC FYI: I received a e-book copy from the author. All views and opinions expressed are my own.

Goodreads Summary

Meet the women business owners at Nestled Hollow! Each has been running their business while running from love. All that is about to change in this beloved small town.

Fun-loving Whitney Brennan enjoys being in the middle of every town gathering in Nestled Hollow—and writing about it all in the town paper that she owns. But she’s terrified of making any real or deep connection with anyone because she knows that if she does, they’ll end up leaving like everyone else did. Like her high school best-friend-turned-boyfriend, Eli, did on graduation night.

Eli Treanor skipped out of Nestled Hollow twelve years ago and created a new life and a thriving team-building business he thoroughly enjoys in Sacramento. When his parents beg him to come back and run the family outdoor rentals business while his dad has surgery, Eli isn’t happy about returning to the town that didn’t love him, the dad he could never please, and the girl he’d left behind all those years ago.

When Whitney and Eli are paired together to create the decorations for the Main Street Fall Market, many of their old feelings resurface, along with new fun and excitement, but it also opens past wounds. Can this couple overcome the fears that are stopping them from giving their love the second chance it deserves?

My review

Second Chance on the Corner of Main is a sweet and enjoyable book. Eli and Whitney are fantastic, but flawed characters. Each having issues they need to work out before they could move on with past hurts and wrongs. I loved their journeys and their realizations. Whitney was needing closure about her past with Eli, and Eli needing to forgive himself. I appreciated their communication. Yes, there is the inevitable conflicts that arise, but that what makes this book even more enjoyable. Eli had issues with his dad, Whitney had a hart time letting others in from feeling abandoned. The supporting characters are also great. Brooke especially was fun. I definitely want more from her. Maybe her and Ben (Eli's friend) need to get together some how! The town of Nestled Hollow would definitely be a place I would want to visit and live. The author's descriptions of it were well done and the whole feel of the town felt like home. 

5 out of 5 stars. 

Purchase links e-book is only $0.99 for a limited time!

Amazon e-book / Amazon paperback

Author links

Goodreads / Website 

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