
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Lady and the Gent by Rebecca Connolly

The Lady and the Gent

Author: Rebecca Connolly

Publisher: Phase Publishing

Published: Feb. 2018

ISBN13: 9781943048496

Paperback/e-book: 279 pages

FTC FYI: I received a copy from the author, all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Goodreads Summary

A woman of great fortune…
Margaret Easton needs a husband, and she needs one now. Her parents are convinced that only a European will do, but Margaret wants nothing more than to stay in England. The trouble is that there is only one man Margaret can think of, or rather, one she cannot forget, and he wouldn’t do as a husband at all. Then she finds herself in his care unexpectedly, and her hunt becomes even more complicated than she could have ever imagined.
A man of great mystery…
Rafe Thornton has never said more than ten words to Margaret Easton, but she is rapidly becoming the sole occupant of his thoughts. She is distracting him from his operative work as the Gent, and keeps him from his usual focused nature, which he doesn’t mind at all. When she stumbles into his world, his work and his emotions collide, forcing him to choose between saving the Crown, and protecting his love.
My Review

The Lady and the Gent is a fun and enjoyable book. Rebecca Connolly is the queen of writing banter. She does such a great job with romantic tension. Her books always bring a smile to my face. Each character is a wonderful surprise, especially Rafe. Oh, I enjoy him so much. Margaret is sweet and spunky. All the poor thing wants to do is stay in England, while her parents have other ideas in finding her a husband. This book has it all. With romance, intrigue, lovely kisses, and mystery.

Author links

Goodreads / Amazon author page / Website / Twitter

Purchase links

Amazon / Barnes and Noble

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