
Friday, April 13, 2018

Never That Far by Carol Lynch Williams -- Blog Tour

Never That Far

Author: Carol Lynch Williams

Publisher: Shadow Mountain

Published: April 3, 2018

ISBN13: 9781629724096

Hardcover: 176 pages

FTC FYI: I received an ARC, all views and opinions expressed are my own. 

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Goodreads Summary

After her grampa dies, the last place Libby expects to see him is sitting on the edge of her bed. But that’s what happens the night after the funeral.

Even more surprising is that Grampa has three important things to tell her: first, that she isn’t alone or forgotten—“The dead ain’t never that far from the liv­ing,” he says; second, that she has “the Sight”—the ability to see family mem­bers who have died; and third, that there is something special just for her in the lake. Something that could help her and her father—if she can find it.

Libby and Grampa try to help her father heal from his grief, but it will take all of Libby’s courage and her gift of Sight to convince her father that the dead are never truly gone.

Never That Far is set in the lush, rural landscape of central Florida and is a story that celebrates friendship, hope, and the power of family love.

My Review

Never That Far is a very sweet and heart warming story. I loved this book. I was even brought to tears at the end. Libby is wonderfully stubborn and I loved her inner voice. Her grandfather just died leaving a hole in her family. Her Daddy then retreats to sadness and denial. Libby is visited by her Grampa telling her she has the Sight. Now she needs to convince her daddy of the family gift before it’s too late.

5 out of 5 stars.

Author Links

Goodreads / Website

Purchase Links

Amazon ebook / Amazon paperback / Deseret Book / Barnes and Noble

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