
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Brush with Love by Lisa McKendrick -- Blog Tour/Giveaway

Brush with Love

Author: Lisa McKendrick

Publisher: Cedar Fort

Published: Oct. 2017

ISBN13: 9781462121250

Paperback: 257 pages

FTC FYI: I received a paperback copy from the publisher, all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Goodreads Summary

Lana, a talented Ivy League artist, and Walt, a small-town farmer, couldn't be more different. She arrives in Bluegill, Idaho, ready to spend the summer painting, excited to study under Walt's grandpa, a brilliant but aging artist. The more she is thrown together with Walt though--and the more she spends time with him--the more she realizes her heart may be drawing up its own plans. As the weeks pass, Lana realizes she'll have to choose between following her dreams or following her heart.

My Review

I really liked this book. There are some funny moments and very sweet moments too. I loved how Lana and LeVan clicked and their little conspiracy together, that was enjoyable.  Walt was my favorite. I loved him. He's devoted, kind, and just an all-around great guy. The banter between Lana and Walt and Lana and LeVan was very fun and left me smiling.  Lana was hard to relate to at first, as she's not your typical "romance" main character. She wears all black, died her hair black, but she also has a sad back story. I loved the Idaho setting too. 

4 out of 5 stars. Sweet story with lots of heart. The LDS church is referenced as the characters are Mormon, but nothing is preachy. 

Author Links

Goodreads / Amazon author page

Purchase Links

Amazon paperback / Amazon ebook / Barnes and Noble / Deseret Book
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