
Thursday, April 3, 2014

He is Risen -- Mormon Tabernacle Choir

he-is-risen-2014-coverHe is Risen

Mack Wilberg & Ryan Murphy Conductors

SKU: 5119167

FTC FYI: Received a CD in exchange for an honest review.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square present on this CD a selection of musical works centered on the miraculous events recounted and commemorated in the Easter story. In a variety of styles, and from different eras, these musical expressions of faith share the same fervent message—that our Savior lives, and has redeemed us with His love.

My Review
This CD is exactly what this worn-out gal needed to get me feeling the lovely spirit of this Easter season.  I am so grateful for my Savior and his atoning sacrifice for me.  This CD from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir will get you in the right frame of mind to have Christ in your heart for conference this weekend, Easter and anytime through the year.  How blessed are we to live in the same area as this magnificent choir.  These songs are uplifting and bring tears to my eyes as I reflect on my Savior's love for me.  They are songs you will be familiar with, but added flare from a bell choir and how the arrangements are done, will lift you up and do you good, like it did for me.

The 360 members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir represent men and women from many different backgrounds and professions and range in age from 25 to 60.  They reflect a medley of unique loves and experiences and are brought together by their love for singing and their faith.  Their incomparable voices are the common chord that unites to form the choral group known all over the world as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir originated in the mid-19th century in Salt Lake City.  As the Latter-day Saints moved west, Church President Brigham Young included musicians among members of the advance parties.  Consequently, a small choir first sang for a conference of the Church in the Salt Lake Valley on August 22, 1847, just 29 days after the first group arrived.  The origins of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir may be found in the desire and commitment of early converts to include appropriate music in both sacred and secular events.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has apperaed at 13 world's fairs and expositions, performed at the inaugurations of five U.S. presidents and sung for numerous worldwide telecasts and special events.  Five of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's recordings have achieved "gold record" and two have achieved "platinum record" status.  The most popular was the Grammy Award winning 1959 release of The Battle Hymn of the Republic with the Philadelphia Orchestra.

Purchase Links

1 comment:

  1. I loved it also! I love the MO TAB ;-). That's what my kids call then. Hehe! This CD is in my car and I turn it on on Sundays and when I encounter bad drivers. It's hard to be mad when you're listening to the Mormon Taberacle Choir ;-)
