
Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Light We Share by Harriet R. Uchtdorf

Light_We_Share_detailThe Light We Share

Publisher: Deseret Book

Published: March 2014

ISBN13: 978-1-60907-869-0

Hardcover: 48 pages


FTC FYY: I received a hardcover book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Book Jacket

"Oh how glorious from the throne above

Shines the gospel light of truth and love!" Hymns, no. 264

What difference does it make to have the light of the gospel in your life?  To a twelve-year-old girl in post-World War II Germany, it made all the difference.

In this charming book, Sister Harriet R. Uchtdorf reflects on the power of heavenly light in her own life and recalls the joy it brought to her family during a dark and difficult time.  "It was like a miracle," she explains as she describes how hope came back in their lives.

Discover how the light we share can make a life-changing difference to those whose lives we touch - as family members, leaders, missionaries, teachers, friends, and brothers and sisters in the gospel.

My Review

I thoroughly enjoyed this sweet book.  Sister Uchtdorf's experience with finding light in her life was heart-felt and lovely.  The pictures were beautiful and they really added to her words.  I love reading about or hearing personal experiences from the leaders of our church, and to have some from their wives, is even more special. She tells about a sad, hard time in her life when her father passes away and her mother can't seem to go on.  They went to their church in Germany, but there was something missing.  Eight months after he passed away, two American missionaries come to their door.  They were taught, among other things, that families can be together forever.  It was the missing light in their lives that they needed.  Sister Uchtdorf, her mother and sister were baptized.  Soon after, their light spread to other family members needing that in their own lives as well.  I was particularly struck by this quote that tell us what we can do to help others:
"You will be an example to our children and youth -- an example in decency and quality in everything that affects our lives.  You will teach our youth to pray and to study.  You will teach them to be confident and have faith in Jesus Christ.  You will teach them leadership and humilty, and you will help them to claim the gift of decernment through their own righteousness.  You will teach them that the truth will not always be popular but that it will always be right.  And after all of this, you can promised them:
That which is of God is light;  and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light;  and that light growth bigger and brighter until the perfect day." (D&C 50:24) page 41
This beautiful story can be shared with all who know of the light of the gospel and to those who are seeking their own light.

Author the Author

Harriet R. Uchtdorf received a degree in business administration in Frankfurt, Germany, and worked in the private printing sector and with the public transportation department prior to her marriage to Dieter F. Uchtdorf, who now serves as the Second Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  she has served in many callings in the Church, including as a stake Young Women president and institute teacher.  She and her husband have two children, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

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