
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Armor Up/Suit Up by Various Contributors -- Giveaway

Armor Up

Contributed by:  John Bytheway, Laurel Christensen, John Hilton III, Hank Smith, Anthony Sweat, Brad Wilcox

Publisher: Deseret Book

Published: February 1, 2013

ISBN13: 978-1-60907-317-6

Paperback: 104 pages

FTC FYI: I received a review copy.

Back Cover

Take upon you my whole armor that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand. D & C 27:15

These words of Joseph Smith from 1830 might be more important today than ever before.  You are living in an "evil day", but it's also an exciting day!  You have many incredible opportunities all around you.  Because you face a world of challenges and temptations, you need to be fully armed.  In Armor Up, some of your favorite youth speakers share how to put on the armor of God--and how wearing that armor will help you conquer the difficulties that lie ahead.

My Review

Although the target audience for this book is teens, I found myself relating to many parts.  I loved the honesty, heart-felt stories and life lessons from each contributor.  I especially liked the chapters from John Bytheway and Laurel Christensen.  John's, for his love of Star Trek, while my love is Star Wars, but that wasn't the only reason I loved his chapter.  Brother Bytheway referred to our shields being up.  Shields being our faith.
"Faith, as you know, is the first principle of the gospel, which is another reason it is considered "above all."  There are many kinds of faith--faith that things will work out, faith that the sun will come out tomorrow, faith that a sibling on a mission will be okay.  The most powerful faith, of course, is "Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ" (Article of Faith 1:4).  The different types of faith we refer to i our gospel discussions all spring from and center in the most critical type of faith--our faith in Jesus Christ." (page 52)
He also says that teenagers equipped with shields of faith are hard to miss.  (page 52)  I think of my three daughters out in the world, and nothing scares me more.  What I've tried to teach them is having faith in Jesus Christ can get you through anything.

Another chapter I enjoyed (don't get me wrong, I enjoyed them all) was Laurel Christensen's on Your Spiritual Sword.  My 8 year old lately has had questions on learning to feel the spirit.  I loved that through this chapter, I was able to help give her some answers that made sense in her 8 year old mind.
"The Holy Ghost is our sword as He guides us in truth, as He guards us in our choices, and as He heals our hearts."  (page 82)
I could quote this whole book, but what is the fun in that, right?  Get this book, not only for your children, but for you too.

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Suit Up

Contributed by: John Bytheway, Laurel Christensen, John Hilton III, Jennifer Platt, Hank Smith, Anthony Sweat, Brad Wilcox

Published: 2013

Publisher: Deseret Book

ISBN13: 978-1-60907-515-6

Paperback: 131 pages

FTC FYI: Received a review copy

Goodreads  Summary

The Lord needs more missionaries and He needs better prepared missionaries. He needs YOU!

From the bestselling authors that brought you Armor Up! this unique little book is intended to help teens get ready for all they will encounter as they embark on the unique adventure of missionary work. There has never been a more exciting time to be alive—and there has never been a more exciting time to be a missionary.

In Suit Up, several of your favorite youth speakers share lessons about preparing for a mission based on the scriptural advice contained in Doctrine and Covenants 4. If you're thinking about a mission, if you've already started preparing, or if you've got your call, you'll benefit from the messages and advice in Suit Up.

My Review

This book is geared towards those who are thinking of going on a mission.  Getting ready to suit up.  I also feels it can apply to us all.  We all are asked to be missionaries.  Each contributor took a verse from D & C 4.  Putting in their thoughts and ideas to help get our youth for their missions.  Again, I will give my "favorite" to Laurel Christensen and also Anthony Sweat and especially Jennifer Platt and John Bytheway.

Jennifer tells of an experience where one of her 18 year old students came to her with questions.  She was wanting to get her temple endowments.  Sister Platt was wondering why she was feeling to go to the temple when she still had 3 years before she could prepare for a mission.  I don't want to give away the story, but it had me in tears.

Again, I could quote this whole book.  This book should be on the top of reading lists for anyone preparing, thinking about, or going on a mission.

I'm giving a copy away of Suit Up! See Rafflecopter entry below. 

Purchase Links

Deseret Book / Amazon / Seagull Book

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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