
Friday, May 3, 2013

Parenting with Spiritual Power by Julie K. Nelson -- Blog Tour

Parenting with Spiritual Power

Author: Julie K. Nelson

Publisher: Cedar Fort

Published: March 12, 2013

ISBN: 978-1-4621-1168-8

Paperback: 192 pages

FTC  FYI: Received a review copy in exchange for an honest review


"I wish children came with an instruction manual!"

How many times have we heard this lament by a frustrated or overwhelmed parent?  Perhaps we have said these words ourselves.  There are "how-to" manuals for practically anything:  installing a new faucet, building a remote control car, baking an apple pie, refinishing an antique chair, or assembling a bicycle.  Is there a formula or a perfect manual for raising children?  Yes!  The scriptures.

In Parenting with Spiritual Power, Julie Nelson examines the lives of mothers and fathers in the scriptures (the best instruction manual) and the parenting principles we can learn from them.  Discover powerful parenting examples from Adam and Eve, the brother of Jared, and Captain Moroni, along with suggestions for personal application in this essential book.

My Review

Wow!  This book is exactly what parents need for some wonderfully inspired parenting advice.  While reading I thought to myself, yes, I need to do it this way, or this can make it so there may be less contention, etc.  Some things are so helpful, it is almost common sense.  These are lesson that we all can be doing as parents, especially myself.  I loved how the scripture references were used to support each chapter.  I am far from being perfect parent, ask my kids, but I know with the Lord's help, I can become a better parent.

I took some notes while reading this book that I wanted to share.
  1. Our Heavenly Father is never too busy to listen.  His back is never turned.  (page 12)
  2. Each child's feelings should be validated.  When resolving conflicts, we need to ask, gather information, and listen, listen, listen.  (page 15)
  3. Catch the child being good...  Focus on the positive we see in our children.  Teach doctrine when guiding and correcting children.  (page 21)
  4. "Parents are never failures when they do their best to love, teach, pray, and care for their children.  Their faith, prayers, and efforts will be consecrated to the good of their children."  (Elder Robert D. Hales, page 25)
These are just a few of the helpful examples that I found while reading Parenting with Spiritual Power.  You will be lifted up and feel, that even on your worst days, you can do this.  We all need a little help and a spiritual boost.  This book gives you both.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great book--and, yeah, an owner's manual for each kid because they're all different. Just when you think you're starting to figure it out, you get a ringer.
