
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Drawing Out the Dragons by James A. Owen

Drawing Out the Dragons: A Meditation on Art, Destiny, and the Power of Choice

Author: James A. Owen

Publisher: Shadow Mountain

Published: March 5, 2013 (originally published March 2011)

Hardcover: 112 pages

ISBN13: 9781609073688

FTC FYI: Received a hardcover copy in exchange for an honest review.

Inside Book Jacket 

"I believe in you.  You have a great destiny.  You are meant for great things.  And it's possible to live a wonderful, extraordinary life."

That is the promise offered by bestselling author and illustrator James A. Owen in this remarkable and inspirational meditation.  In Drawing Out the Dragons, James shares personal stories and the deep truths he learned while navigating past obstacles and adversity toward a life of lasting belief and joy.

We all have a grand destiny, but sometimes we feel we lack the power to achieve it.  But we always have the power to choose.  "Every drawing, every life, is nothing but a series of choices and actions.  Make your lines.  Make your choices....  What you create from there is entirely up to you."

Drawing Out the Dragons has the power to uplift, inspire, and change your life.

My Review 

That summary pretty much sums up how I felt about this book.  I agree 100% with what the author said.  I was done reading this book, I felt like a better person.  That I could inspire my husband, daughters, friends, to be better people themselves.  I loved this book.  I was so touched by the author's stories.  His life is amazing, he is an amazing person.  We all can be, if we but choose it.

There are so many phrases that I loved while reading.
You have to put in the effort to do quality work, because that's what will matter most.  Because if the quality is there, no one will care how old you are. (page 42)
Nothing--nothing--you really want to make happen is over until you decide to stop.  And if you really want to make it happen, no reason, no excuse, will ever be big enough to make you stop. (page 79)
Never, ever sacrifice what you want the most, for what you want the most at that moment. (page 102)
With no regret and no fear, there's nothing left but possibility, and joy.  And the realization that it is a wonderful world we live in, after all. (page 114)
Aren't those awesome.  But these two were my favorites.
I believe in you.  And I will not let you fail (page 122)
Magic is real.  And worth looking for. (page 126)
I really could quote this whole book.  There is nothing more inspiring then reading about how someone failed at a few things, but was successful in many things.  James A. Owen has had an amazing life full of heart ache, let downs, financial trouble, but in my opinion they made him who he was.  One of the best moments in the book was a blessing he received from his grandpa when they were both sick and in different hospitals when James was a kid.  His grandpa told him, "You have a greater destiny then this.  You are meant for greatest things then this.  And if you want to beat this, to overcome whatever it is you're grappling with, you are strong enough to do it.  And if that's the choice you make, it's possible to live a wonderful, extraordinary life." (page 27) I think those words were what made James the man is today.

5 out of 5 stars.  James has accomplished so much, I loved reading about his choices.  I'm excited to read his Here, There Be Dragons series.  One word of advice, read this book with kleenex.  The ending got me.

Author Links

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  1. Yeah. This book has the power to changes lives. I love his view of life. He's been faced with so many things that could beat a person down and make him/her want to give up. Don't let it.

  2. He gave a great presentation at a conference I attended--actually I think he spoke at two. He's amazing!
