
Friday, April 5, 2013

A Blind Eye by Julie Daines

A Blind Eye

Author: Julie Daines

Publisher: Convenant Communications

Published: February 2013

ISBN: 9781621082521

Paperback: 163 pages

FTC FYI: I received a paperback copy in exchange for an honest review.

Goodreads Summary

Seventeen-year-old Christian Morris decides the only way to save himself from his father's neglect is to run away from home. On his way out of town, he finds a stowaway hiding in his car—Scarlett, who has been kidnapped from London. Blind since birth, Scarlett has developed a sixth sense: she dreams about someone’s death before it happens. And now, she has dreamed about her own. 

Christian’s attempt to leave home turns into a race to save Scarlett from death by scientific experimentation. His growing relationship with the girl helps him to look past his own blindness and confront the truth about his father. But first, he must find the kidnappers before they can get to Scarlett.

My Review

4 out of 5 stars.  Right away I was caught up the story and the characters in this great debut from author Julie Daines.  First of all, I think the cover is awesome.  Very striking and "eye" grabbing.  Christian is an immensely likeable character, I loved his inner voice.  Scarlett was a scene stealer too.  She is a very quirky, sweet girl.  

When we first meet Christian, he is running away from home.  Ever since his mom died years earlier, his father has ignored him and made him feel like nothing.  Christian has a best friend, Jay, who looks out for him.  Christian heads to the cemetery where his mom is buried to give her grave a final farewell.  Afterwards, on the road, he finds he is not alone.  A blind hitchhiker, Scarlett, joined him while he was at the cemetery.  He immediately drops her off, but feels guilty about it and goes right back to get her.  They stop for dinner at a diner and the action doesn't stop after that.  If you like a clean, suspenseful, fact-paced book with a touch of smooching, this book is for you.  

Here is a book trailer! 

Author Links

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Purchase Links

Amazon / Seagull Book / Deseret Book / Barnes and Noble

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