
Monday, December 3, 2012

Playing at Love by Ophelia London

Playing at Love

Author: Ophelia London

Published: September  24th, 2012


ISBN13: 9781622669875

FTC FYI: Received a free ebook copy in exchange for an honest review

Goodreads Summary

Show choir teacher Tess Johansson loves three things: music, her job, and sharing that passion with her students. But when a school budget crisis forces funding to be pulled from either the sports or music programs, she finds herself going head to head with Jack, the gorgeous new football coach who broke her heart fifteen years ago.

Jack Marshall wants two things: to be closer to his young daughter and to make his mark as a football coach. Taking the new job, with the promise that he’d have time to build a solid team, gave him both. But now he must win the season with a group of boys who aren't anywhere near ready or he’ll lose everything he’s worked so hard for. Being pitted against Tess, the summer love he never forgot, is like being fourth and long with only seconds on the clock.

On opposing sides of a fierce battle and with everything at stake, Tess and Jack find themselves torn between 
doing what it takes to win and doing what it takes to be together.

My Review

I found out about this book from an email I got regarding recent releases.  I was immediately impressed with the cute cover and description of the book. I emailed the author right away, and asked her if she was interested in a review. Luckily, she was, and here we are.

Tess is a hometown girl who has been hurt before by love, and has a hard time trusting. She is the school's show choir teacher. Jack just moved into town and is the football coach. In a morning staff meeting, they see each other from across the room and immediately sparks fly. But, there is problem. Tess recognizes him as the guy who broke her heart years earlier. After the meeting they both are asked to meet with the principal, there is a situation with the budget, and either football or show choir has to go. Jack can't believe it, he just got hired as the coach. Tess is heart broken because she has a lot riding on this job for family reasons. What will become of their relationship, and can Tess forgive and forget? How can they get past one of them losing their job?

I really enjoyed this book!  Ophelia's writing style is fresh and fun.  I liked the characters very much, too. Tess's best friend Mac, made me smile a lot, as did Tess. I am a huge fan of POV switching by main characters. I love seeing the other side of situations, and the author did a great job with that. There is humor and heart to this book, and I was really happy with the ending.

4 out of 5 stars. This is the author's first book.  Ophelia has another book coming out March of next year, Abby Road. Speaking of Love will also come out in 2013.

Here is more information on her from her Goodreads Bio: Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she's lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters in the books she writes. Ophelia is the author of PLAYING AT LOVE, SPEAKING OF LOVE... and ABBY ROAD. Visit her at But don't call when The Vampire Diaries is on.

In emailing her back and forth, I can tell that Ophelia is a sweet heart, with lots of humor and a great personalilty. It really shows in her writing style.


There is a little bit of language, nothing that I was offended by, just a heads up. Also, the main characters do have sex, but there are no details. There is a mention of a teen pregnancy in conversation, recalling a memory.

Author Links

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the awesome review, Mindy! You're a sweet heart too!!
