
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Reluctant Bachelorette By Rachael Renee Anderson -- Blog Tour

The Reluctant Bachelorette

Author: Rachael Renee Anderson

Publisher: HEA Publishing

Published: September 8, 2012

ISBN13: 9781479269679

Genre: Romance

FTC FYI: Received an ePub copy in exchange for an honest review

Goodreads Summary: Unknowingly cast as the bachelorette for her town’s charity event, Taycee Emerson wants out. Especially when she discovers her old teenage crush, Luke Carney, is one of the bachelors and it's up to the viewers--not her--to decide which bachelors stay or go.
Coerced into participating, Taycee does what any self-preserving girl would do. She launches a subtle attack on Luke’s good name with the hope of getting him voted off the show. Unfortunately, Luke's an eye-for-an-eye kind of guy, and when he discovers what she's up to, it means revenge.

But when their pranks go south, will they screw up any chance they have at a future together, or will they be able to forgive and forget and prove that love really does conquer all?

My Review

The Reluctant Bachelorette is another strong offering from Rachael Renee Anderson.  Rachael has an ability to make you instantly care about the characters and want to keep reading.  I also really enjoyed the change of point of views.  From Taycee, you could possibly see Luke as a uncaring guy, who breaks hearts as he goes.  But, with the point of view change, you see the Luke is just as clueless as any other guy out there, which I thought was very funny at times. Most of time, he says and does all the wrong things, and it either drives Taycee crazy or makes her heart beat faster.  Taycee has loved Luke for most of her life.  He is her brother Caleb's best friend, and she would always tag along with them around town.  Then Luke moved away, and no one heard from him for 10 years. 

Something always happens when I read one of Rachael's books.  I smile a lot, cry a lot, and at the end I am so happy I spent the time reading her books.  The ending of this book is a great one.  I also loved the Sneakers references.  That show is an old favorite of mine.  What I enjoyed most about this book was Taycee's self discovery.  She learned a lot about herself being the Shelter Bachelorette and I really enjoyed her journey.

4 1/2 out of 5 stars.  Good news! The Reluctant Bachelorette is only $.99 on Amazon.  Learn more about Rachael on her blogFacebook, and Twitter.

Blog Tour Info and Giveaway!

About the Author:
Rachael Anderson is the author of four contemporary romances: Divinely Designed, Luck of the Draw, Minor Adjustments, and The Reluctant Bachelorette. She's the mother of four, can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

 Tour Giveaway (shared rafflecopter for entry) - October 1st to 31st:

-Grand Prize
Print copy of The Reluctant Bachelorette (Ebook for International winner)
$15 Amazon Gift Card
Copy of the DVD Sneakers (US only)
-Print copy of The Reluctant Bachelorette
-3 Kindle Ebook Copy of The Reluctant Bachelorette
a Rafflecopter giveaway