
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Wild Queen by Cheri Chesley

The Wild Queen

Author: Cheri Chesley

Publisher: Chesley Books

Published: 2011



FTC FYI: Received a copy from the author which did not affect my review.

Goodreads info: "Dear reader,

This is an epic a love story, but not a happy one. While it is romantic, like Romeo and Juliet it does not have a happily-ever-after conclusion. I caution you on this only because I’d hate for you to be disappointed because the story did not end as you had hoped...So begins the author's note at the beginning of this book. For details on the plot, read on:

In the exciting prequel to The Peasant Queen, Roweena is the crown princess of Norvallen, a tiny kingdom with only one thing of value-the Healer's Grove. The trees in this small section of forest are enchanted, giving a sap that can be mixed into potions or salves to heal almost any wound.

And it's in high demand.

Lucien, the young king of neighboring Demarde, comes to Roweena's father seeking an alliance, but comes away with a marriage contract for young Roweena's hand. Furious and stubborn, this untamed beauty vows he will never conquer her. But the contract purposely gives her time to come to terms with her fate.

Before Lucien can return, Roweena's home is attacked and her parents are murdered. The Healer's Grove is also attacked-burned to the ground. With nothing more than her horse and the clothes on her back, Roweena goes to the only person she knows can help her. Lucien."

The Wild Queen is the "prequel" of The Peasant Queen. I read this book last year for the Cheri, and was pleasantly surprised when I received a copy of it in the mail from the author this week. This is a wonderful offering from Cheri telling us faithful readers about Gregory's parents, Roweena and Lucien. I instantly loved Lucien. His patience and compassion are what drew me in the most. Roweena is a mysterious character. I love how she is portrayed, though. She comes to Lucien in her greatest need, and handles herself well considering what she has lost. The ending is a killer, but since I have been lucky enough to have read The Tyrant King, and with conversations I've had with the author, all I have to say is, be patient dear readers. Be patient. The Tyrant King comes out June 2012.

4 out 5 stars. You can read my review of The Peasant Queen here. Cheri has also written a short story called Ghost Bride which is free on Smashwords.

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